I am regularly asked to summarize my many posts. I thought it would be a good idea to publish on this blog, every Monday, some of the most relevant articles that I have already shared with you on my social networks. Today I will share some of the most relevant articles about Artificial Intelligence and in what form you can find it in today’s life. I will also comment on the articles.
On the CostaRicanews.com: https://thecostaricanews.com/the-development-of-artificial-intelligence-continues-its-unstoppable-advance/
The Development of Artificial Intelligence Continues its Unstoppable Advance. Technological singularity is defined as the point from which a civilization has reached such a technological development that it has no turning back. From that moment on, it will not be possible to predict the direction or the consequences that the advances will have in the future, and many technologists place that point at the moment in which the first Artificial Intelligence or AI becomes aware of itself. (In fact, many works of fiction place the beginning of hostilities between human beings and conscious machines not at the moment when one of the parties violently attacks the other, but when the AIs begin to wonder about the meaning of their existence or about the possibility that they are also beings with souls.)
On ZDnet.com: https://www.zdnet.com/article/at-last-a-way-to-build-artificial-intelligence-with-business-results-in-mind-modelops/
At last, a way to build artificial intelligence with business results in mind: ModelOps. Is there a way for IT leaders to be proactive about AI and machine learning without ruffling and rattling an organization of people who want the miracles of AI and ML delivered tomorrow morning? The answer is yes. How should IT leaders and professionals go about selecting and delivering the technology required to deliver the storied marvels of artificial intelligence and machine learning? AI and ML require having many moving parts in their right places, moving in the right direction, to deliver on the promise these technologies bring — ecosystems, data, platforms, and last, but not least, people.
On Analyticsinsight.net: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/10-famous-people-in-artificial-intelligence/
10 Famous people in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is rapidly excelling at many “human” tasks, such as medical diagnosis, language translation, and customer support. This is creating legitimate concerns that AI will eventually displace human employees throughout the economy. But it is hardly the only, or even the most likely, consequence. Never once have digital technologies been so attentive to us, nor have we been so reactive to our devices. As AI will fundamentally transform how and who performs work, the technology’s greater effect will be in complementing and boosting human talents rather than replacing them. The AI revolution has already started, and it is changing every area of our life. From academics and researchers to inventive tech entrepreneurs, here are 10 people pushing the frontiers of deep learning and computerized vision to make AI dreams come true.
On Crowdfundinsider.com: https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2021/06/176819-artificial-intelligence-deutsche-bank-releases-paper-on-potential-of-ai-in-securities-services/
Artificial Intelligence: Deutsche Bank Releases Paper on Potential of AI in Securities Services. The wishes of investors looking to not having to deal with settlement failure penalties and cookie-cutter services from custodian banks will be fulfilled by AI-powered solutions, according to a new paper from Deutsche Bank, titled “Unleashing the potential of AI in securities services.” The paper from Deutsche Bank looks into how artificial intelligence is used in post-trade securities services and custody and offers somewhat of an introduction to AI in the field. The paper includes a summary of use-case/examples or scenarios, key insights into algorithms, governance considerations and recommendations to ensure best practice is being followed. According to the paper, we need to be adequately prepared and have a carefully planned roadmap if we want to leverage the transformative potential of AI.
On Forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markminevich/2021/06/19/ai-centers-of-excellence-accelerate-ai-industry-adoption/?sh=46e67f5e5d92
AI Centers Of Excellence Accelerate AI Industry Adoption. The AI and Digital age has accelerated the rate of innovation so quickly that some organizations simply can’t keep up. In fact, Senior Leaders and Chief Executives around the world are “extremely concerned”, as pointed out by a recent PwC survey, “The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office”, with regards to how their enterprise will compete in a continuously volatile economic climate spurred by technological advancement.
On Medcitynews.com: https://medcitynews.com/2021/06/invest-pitch-perfect-winner-spotlight-systems-oncologys-ai-tech-yields-trove-of-cancer-drugs/
INVEST Pitch Perfect winner spotlight: Systems Oncology’s AI tech yields trove of cancer drugs. Systems Oncology has used its its artificial intelligence to discover small molecules in development under partnerships with large pharma companies. The R&D of the company, the biopharma startup winner in the Pitch Perfect contest at the recent MedCity News INVEST Conference, includes a new type of RNA drug.
On Illinoisnewstoday.com: https://illinoisnewstoday.com/research-shows-that-fake-reports-generated-by-ai-are-ridiculing-experts/237019/
Research shows that fake reports generated by AI are ridiculing experts.
* AI can generate fake reports that are compelling enough to trick cybersecurity experts.
* The widespread use of these AIs can hinder defense efforts against cyber attacks.
* These systems can cause an AI arms race between false information generators and detectors.
If you are using a social media website such as Facebook or Twitter, you may encounter posts with false alarm warnings. So far, most false alarms-with or without flags-are for the public. Imagine the potential for false alarms (false or misleading information) in scientific and technical areas such as cyber security, public safety, and medical care.