I am regularly asked to summarize my many posts. I thought it would be a good idea to publish on this blog, every Monday, some of the most relevant articles that I have already shared with you on my social networks. Today I will share some of the most relevant articles about Artificial Intelligence and in what form you can find it in today’s life. I will also comment on the articles.
On PRweb.com: https://www.prweb.com/releases/digital_direct_democracy_a_new_model_for_artificial_intelligence_operated_government/prweb17509622.htm
Tortora Brayda Partnership Excellence, a non-profit international organization for multi-stakeholder partnership development, today announced their first AI Council meeting expert report exploring high-level strategic considerations towards trends in AI automated government and digital democracy in the second half of this century.
On Sciencex.com: https://sciencex.com/wire-news/365492780/scientists-apply-artificial-intelligence-to-online-monitoring-of.html
A scientist from South Ural State University, together with foreign colleagues, obtained a predictive model of deviations from the plane of the machined surface obtained by face milling. Real-time forecasting is made possible by artificial intelligence, which takes into account the power consumption of the main drive of the machine and changes in tool wear in the analysis.
On ZDnet.com: https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-best-artificial-intelligence-intentions-are-hitting-corporate-walls/
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have come a long way in recent years, with solid business cases, powerful algorithms, vast compute resources, and rich data sets now the norm for many enterprises. However, AI managers and specialists are still grappling with seemingly insurmountable organizational and ethical issues that are hamstringing their efforts, or even sending things down the wrong path.
On Sciencedaily.com: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201030122545.htm
The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge — an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers are working to examine student perceptions of artificial intelligence-based teachers.
On CIOreview.com: https://www.cioreview.com/news/how-artificial-intelligence-will-help-with-productivity-nid-32231-cid-175.html
How Artificial Intelligence will help with productivity. A great article I highly recommend to read. AI is used to make informed business decisions in manufacturing companies.
On Healthitanalytics.com: https://healthitanalytics.com/news/machine-learning-predicts-atrial-fibrillation-hospital-readmissions
Machine Learning Predicts Atrial Fibrillation Hospital Readmissions. Machine learning techniques can accurately predict 90-day hospital readmissions for patients with atrial fibrillation.
On Informationweek.com: https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/ai-machine-learning/4-critical-questions-to-ask-before-starting-an-ai-project/a/d-id/1339261?
4 Critical Questions to Ask Before Starting an AI Project. More businesses are taking on AI projects, but many still aren’t finding success. Here’s what you need to know before taking on your first artificial intelligence project. If it feels like everyone is implementing artificial intelligence, it’s largely because they are. AI projects are poised to double this year with 40% of companies deploying AI by the end of 2020 according to Gartner. Statistics like these can create pressure on CIOs as their executive team wonders why we aren’t innovating in this space.