I am regularly asked to summarize my many posts. I thought it would be a good idea to publish on this blog, every Monday, some of the most relevant articles that I have already shared with you on my social networks.
Today I will share some of the most relevant articles about Digital Transformation and in what form you can find it in today’s life. I will also comment on the articles.
In the entreprisersproject.com:
Have a read about real stories on digital transformation about getting closer and staying closer to your customers.
On Forbes.com:
Digital transformation requires a knowledge of your industry, clarity around your company goals, knowing what your customers really want and understanding what digital assets, if any, you have to work with. But, just as it is in life, you have to start the journey with a solid footing. This is a good article (as usual with Forbes.com) where you can read about the steps to take to be successful in your digital transformation project.
The three stages of digital transformation. What exactly does it mean to enact a transformative digital strategy? Digital transformation unfolds in three distinct stages. Have a read to understand these 3 steps.
On informationweek.com:
Finding the most effective approach to transformation can be elusive, but insight from those who have already gone all-in can shed light for others to follow. Pressure continues to mount on leaders within organizations to make good on the promise of what digitization, migration to the cloud, and automation may offer.
On techradar.pro:
A great list of useful resources about digital transformation and ensuring success in your project.
On diginomica.com:
In the UK, the Government Digital Service (GDS) has made significant progress on making public services better through more effective use of digital technology and data. Have a read about the APIs they use and why?
On bizjournals.com:
A true innovation culture allows an organization to transform through digital (and other) investments. Cultural changes are essential to a successful digital transformation project. Have a read, this is very interesting and in my experience, absolutely spot on.