I am regularly asked to summarize my many posts. I thought it would be a good idea to publish on this blog, every Monday, some of the most relevant articles that I have already shared with you on my social networks.
Today I will share some of the most relevant articles about Marketing and in what form you can find it in today’s life. I will also comment on the articles.
On Forbes.com:
Yes! I could not agree with this article more. I have been fighting for this for a while now. Marketing is at the cross roads between engineering and sales. Therefore being the “neutral” activity in the company could definitely help giving the business the edge it needs.
Have a read about attention metrics. This is disruptive as it simplifies digital campaigns.
On business2community.com:
We can’t say this enough: video content as part of a digital marketing strategy is the way of the future. According to the NY Times, “We’re entering a ‘post-text world.’ Multimedia will soon dominate every channel. In other words, using writing to communicate with your audience is going out of style, and quickly.” Have a read to see the 10 Video Content Types To Consider.
On Businessworld.in:
In challenging times, the budget that is immediately cut is the marketing one. I have fought hard for this because at some stage you need to put your foot down and say “enough is enough”. Cutting marketing cost is easy for a CEO but it is a short term vision and does not help the long term view. Have a read and make up your mind.
On Venturebeat.com:
In the streaming and subscriptions economy, video game marketing needs to focus on building brands, not just selling products. This is some good advice here with some great market information.
This article is very well written and explains what a VP marketing needs to have in his know-how and experience portfolio. What do you need to do to come out as a top marketing executive.
On which-50.com:
There is rarely a business today that isn’t transforming. More of the same isn’t going to cut it when growth is flat-lining. Organisations are investing heavily in re-orienting their businesses around the customer, enhancing experience to differentiate, creating new value and streamlining operations to enable greater investment in customer initiatives. Have a read about what to avoid to ensure success in this activity.